March 27, 2010

Upcoming Release

This is a quick update to let everyone know that I'll have some time to work on a 6v6 version of 6.67b tomorrow (March 28). If everything goes well, it should be released on that same night. If some issues arise then I'll keep you posted.


March 27, 2010 at 6:25 PM MassZERO said...

I cant wait for the release!
Hey bro can you fix that coloring problem...
when we use alt+a the color is not the same as the Orig!

March 27, 2010 at 7:39 PM GoD-Tony said...

That colour problem definitely can't be fixed. You'll also notice that the same issue exists when you play the official DotA version with observers watching. It's because neutral creeps can't change colour on the minimap.

March 27, 2010 at 7:43 PM MassZERO said...

So.. Bro when will be the release?
Is it going to be today?

LOL.. just so excited thats why..

March 27, 2010 at 8:04 PM GoD-Tony said...

It's right in the post ;)

March 29, 2010 at 4:35 AM lord rt said...

> Slight delay. Turns out that I can't get a release out after
> having a few drinks. Pushing for tomorrow now.

Dude, you're letting you personal life interfere with bringing the latest and greatest 6v6 DotA experience :)

I mean, who do we kid; do whatever you have to do, and it's nice that you had this update out instead of just leaving us in the dark.

As soon as the map is up, I'll put it on my mirror and send you the link.

As for the download-only bot - how do you set that up? I'll use my cd keys for a week or two and stick to Garena if needed, unless you've got some? And I'll try to offer it in the Asia realm as well, although I can't host there.

Final thing - can you put a custom php file on this server? I mmaking a javascript widget that shows the current game and the number of free slots, for GhostGraz.

March 29, 2010 at 10:25 PM Unknown said...

Hey All, its Moderation again, sup.

Wondering if this time around we can boot downloaders with a message to download the map from

..........Works GREAT for 5v5 dota, why do it differently for 6v6?

Do you really think turning off downloading from the bots will stop any serious player from playing 6v6?
The answer is no, it will not, however, it WILL stop all the idiots who have never played before from continuing to give 6v6dota a horrible reputation.

The "NO DL" rule along with the banlist is a system of checks and balances so to speak, that promotes good long games with no leavers. The system is tried and true. It has worked for the past 3.5 years i've been playing this great game. Why change the system for 6v6????

We have a new map and thus a new chance to make things right.

I hope you make the right decision.

Let me know if I can help.


(P.S. it takes forever to download from a host anyways, while online it takes 2 seconds.... even my own friends download it from the web because it's just way faster.)

March 30, 2010 at 2:50 AM Igor Kolar said...

@Eric, I can give it a try for a day or two and see what happens (ghostlj bot = us east and europe). But we need a map first from Tony ..

March 30, 2010 at 10:02 AM Igor Kolar said...

@God-Tony: map map map map map ?

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