January 28, 2010

DotA Allstars v6.66b 6v6

Release Notes
  • Same functionality as the previous version
Download Links
DotA_Allstars_v6.66b_6v6.w3x | zip | (RapidShare)
DotA_Allstars_v6.66b_6v6.w3x | zip | (BanglaGamer.com)


January 28, 2010 at 10:25 PM lordrt said...

It's been put to use.

Looking at the logs, most ppl still download from the bot, not your website. That isn't the problem though, as my bandwidth can take it and in about the week, most interested players have the map already.

But there could be more players. I've been hosting for a month now and have had 6.3k unique ppl players, in about 750 games. GHostGraz, the top 5v5 host on Northrens, has 1k+ gamees per day, with tens of thousands of active players (they have 11k bans, fwiw).

Any ideas?

January 29, 2010 at 1:49 PM Anonymous said...

Player 1 and Player 7 cant have streak, and never be shuffled in sp

can u fix it

January 29, 2010 at 2:22 PM GoD-Tony said...

@lordrt: I'm not sure what else we could do to increase popularity. Users on PlayDotA.com have their posts deleted/locked if they even begin to discuss 6v6 in general or the existence of this version. It seems like the only way to spread it is to keep hosting on Bnet with fast downloads enabled.

@Anonymous: "Player 1 and Player 7 cant have streak, and never be shuffled in sp"

Red is meant not to be shuffled in SP in order to prevent the bugs mentioned in the previous version. I believe it's also having the side effect of locking Green in their slot as well. I'll see if anything can be done about that. I'll also look into the Red/Green kill streak issue you mentioned.

January 29, 2010 at 4:01 PM lord rt said...

@GoD-Tony: Ok, we'll just have to keep on with the effort. I've ordered 2 more sets of cd keys yesterday, so I should have 3 bots come Monday. One will host -ap/-apem games, another -ar/-arem, and the 3rd will alternate -sdso and -rdso. I've also modified the bot to unhost the game if it doesn't start in 20 minutes, so not to get stuck on an unpopular mode.

As for streaks - yeah, seen it yesterday: our red killed one and then another one killed 2, but the sound "triple kill" maded it look like it was three kills by the other player.

February 1, 2010 at 6:35 AM lord rt said...

I've gotten fake players working (initial version), here's the description:
-> http://www.codelain.com/forum/index.php?topic=10972.0

Hosting on two realms (europe and us east) is also working for me nicely; games start noticeably quicker. Thx for the tip.

Also, I'm considering putting on a America v Europe 6v6 match-up, a few games every evening, for promotion and such. The bot shouldn't be hard to rework for that. Thoughts?

February 2, 2010 at 1:48 PM GoD-Tony said...

Very nice. I bet that helps prevent people leaving when they're the first few to join the lobby. Hosting on USEast is a good idea too.

Lol, I like the America v Europe idea. How would you go about implementing that? Would it be a scheduled game, or just a matter of sorting the game lobby by countries?

February 3, 2010 at 4:11 AM Igor Kolar said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

February 3, 2010 at 4:14 AM lord rt said...

The idea would be to hold 6 matches per weekday, 3 starting at 9PM in Europe (about 3pm east cost) and 3 starting at 7PM EST (about 1AM Europe). The bot would coin toss which side gets sent, and then allow joins based on the IP.

Mode would be -ap or -rd, no switch :).

Stats and an overall score would be kept and announced in the MOTD.

February 5, 2010 at 2:17 AM Anonymous said...

Its me from the last anonymous comment here www.6v6dota.com/2010/01/dota-allstars-v666-6v6.html

I posted the project on playdota. I hope respect begets respect. We will see.

February 5, 2010 at 3:31 PM GoD-Tony said...

@lord rt: Sounds like it should work fine like that. Let me know when you have this running and I would definitely like to give it a try.

@Anonymous: I replied to your original post.

February 5, 2010 at 7:05 PM Igor Kolar said...

@GoD-Tony: it's ready and I gave it a shot late last night at around 3AM here (9PM EST), but couldn't get the US sentinels to fill up :).

It works by putting these lines into the mapcfg file:

map_geomatchmaking = 1
map_geomatchmaking_team1 = America
map_geomatchmaking_team2 = Europe
map_geomatchmaking_countries1 = CA,US, ...
map_geomatchmaking_countries2 = DE,IT,UK,..

The country codes have to be the ones that's used in ip-to-country.csv.

I then do a !pub to change the game name and wait. As players joined, they get a slot on their team (or rejection if full). They can change the slot on the same team, but can't hop over to the other side.

If you'd like to play one, let me know of the time and I'll make it happen. I'd certainly be happy with some additional testing, for when that's done, I can release a patch to codelain.

February 6, 2010 at 1:17 AM Anonymous said...

first its not real possible to switch europe vs usa on the iptable as the country do not always work many europeans are listed as USA
other then that as its a pub bot the europe vs usa makes no real sense
the fakeplayer idea is real good

February 6, 2010 at 3:13 PM Igor Kolar said...

@Anonymous: These matches are meant to be fun and promote 6v6 a bit. A few false IP-to-country mappings aren't really crucial here.

Fakeplayers work really well, I just have to automate them :)

February 7, 2010 at 11:03 PM Igor Kolar said...

@God-Tony: red and green not being able to have streaks (and other ppl using up their scores) is somewhat annoying, as there are a lot of "rampage" calls where there shouldn't be. Any progress with that and can help somehow?

Another thing: is there any possibility of adding two observer slots still? There only thing I'd like it for is to issue a pause event via an observer (!fppause in ghost), so that others can't resume and the admin can force the switch discussion more easily? But than's not dealbraking, just an option ..

February 7, 2010 at 11:44 PM GoD-Tony said...

I haven't been able to look at the 6v6 code since this release. I've been a bit busy, but I'm taking a quick look at the kill streaks section, and this is a part that I usually don't even need to touch and it works fine. I'll have to take some time and go through it, since I either missed something, or something new has been added that is causing conflicts.

It's definitely not possible to add observers slots as Wc3 only allows 12 players in a lobby, and allowing additional players using Ghost would only allow them to spectate without using commands of any kind. There may be some other way to issue the pause event, but I'm not sure.

I'll post again about the bug after I get some time to look over the code.

February 8, 2010 at 12:25 AM Igor Kolar said...

streaks - i understand your position, but if you find the time and the will, I can put in some time into testing.

observers - can't be done, kk.

February 8, 2010 at 2:18 PM Igor Kolar said...

one more wish for the next release - +4 heroes for random draft. The current offering is too small, and -rd games are few, short and more leaver prone.

The fact that red/green's picks don't get avatars within the circle is ok.


February 21, 2010 at 10:18 AM Anonymous said...

please install BAN, too many leavers in 6v6 i play in your bot games.

February 22, 2010 at 4:03 PM Igor Kolar said...

Mine (ghostlj) or his (6v6dota)?

February 22, 2010 at 8:07 PM GoD-Tony said...

That might not be possible for my bot. It runs on 3 different realms and has no way of determining which realm a user is joining on.

February 28, 2010 at 1:36 PM Anonymous said...

question, how to i trigger the bot to create a game, at times, my friends and i are just waiting for the bot, and we have no idea when we have to wait

March 2, 2010 at 11:14 AM lord rt said...

/whereis 6v6dota will tell if the bot is hosting a game (join that) or if it's sitting in the channel.

If it's sitting in the channel, there are about two options:
- the bot just started the previous game, and will begin hosting a new one in like 10 secs. It will send a chat to the channel before it does it.
- the bot is full - it' already hosting the maximum number of games (5 is the default here). In that case, you have to wait for one of those to finish.

If you're on US east or (better yet) Europe, you can use my bot as well. /whereis ghostlj to locate it. It's currently hosting -apemso and -apso interchangingly. There will be a mode for "pro" players soon, where only player with at least 10 games and a good stay can join. If you're active with ghostgraz, you probably already qualify.

March 2, 2010 at 7:38 PM GoD-Tony said...

Exactly what lord rt said; it's simply waiting because it can only host 5 games at a time, so it must wait for one game to finish before another can be hosted.

@lord rt: Sounds like another good feature! How many players do you currently have that have played 10 6v6 games already?

March 4, 2010 at 6:24 AM Unknown said...

Yo whats up everyone this is Moderation, the OTHER 6v6 host. (If you play 6v6 on Azeroth, you've seen me, I'm Red :), (what up fools!))
Listen guys, we really need to disable downloading the map from the bot.

Part of the process that keeps most retards out of 5v5 dota is that they can't figure out how to download the map from the website. (They double click the map file instead of putting it in the right directory, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "it doesn't work!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOVE IT.......)

The bot doesn't kick people, and so all these retards who can't even figure out how to download the 5v5 map are getting the 6v6 map, and making games HELL for everyone who tries 6v6, thus giving 6v6 a horrible reputation and forcing away the better players.

So, for the love of God, Tony, please turn on anti-download and instead tell the players to get the map @6v6dota.com so that the same retard rejection process can continue to provide us a small amount of protection, and save the great 6v6 dota game

March 4, 2010 at 10:50 AM GoD-Tony said...

I pretty much agree with everything you said, and after this amount of time with the same version, most people will have the map already.

I have seen it plenty of times where 11 people join with the map and the 12th person is downloading at 10kb/s, holding everything up. I was thinking about running a "Download Only" bot which will run permanently on all of the realms, and then the rest of us can host "No Download" games.

The only time this might not be a good idea is the few couple of days after a release.

March 4, 2010 at 4:39 PM Igor Kolar said...

@eric: You definitely need to have the bot running download in the first week of the release. It would cut too many ppl off. I can add a feature that kicks slow downloaders if the lobby is full tho.

@God-Tony: not that many over 10 games, but I was thinking of safelisting everybody with enough games/stay on ghostgraz bots. And i'm quite sure i can find something similar for US east/west. I'd then rotate pro / normal normal games with my bot.

The graz safelist is about 11k players (30+ games, 85%+ stay) and is available here:

March 6, 2010 at 7:10 AM Anonymous said...

There is a glitch/bug. Where i was playing enigma and when i use Black Hole (Ulti), it works for about 1 second then cancels, but on the Status it is assuming im still using blackhole, yet i am able to move around and use clickable items. Though i am NOT able to auto atk or use any spells, so basically i am a walking sheild until i get killed, i return to normal state with an atk range etc.

March 6, 2010 at 7:37 AM GoD-Tony said...

Yes, that's the bug I was trying to avoid with the -switch modifications. What gamemodes were you playing at the time? Do you have a replay?

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