January 28, 2009

DotA Allstars v6.38b 6v6 Ver.3

This was the first public version I made a long time ago, released on November 9th, 2006. I think the only thing I changed, other than the gameplay, was the loading screen to add the author name.

For those that are curious, Ver.1 didn't even allow 6 players on a team even though it showed 6 slots, and Ver.2 allowed the first player on each team to control all of the creeps. It was fun, but not what I really wanted :).

I remember this stirring up a lot of controversy, mainly because some people thought it would split up the DotA community. In reality it was only used when people had more than 10 players that wanted to play in one game, which was the main purpose of it to begin with. I go into more detail about that in the about page.

Anyway, I'm just posting this again for archiving purposes.

Download: DotA_Allstars_v6.38b_6v6_Ver.3.w3x


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